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Марафон какой сайт

Сегунда дивизион Испания. Примера Насьональ Италия. Серия A Литва. А лига Польша. Экстралига Польша. Национальный чемпионат Румыния. Лига 1 США. Национальная лига Уэльс. Премьер-лига Финляндия.

Сеть магазинов «Марафон»

Кансаллинен лига Финляндия. Юккенен Хорватия. Аллсвенскан Швеция. Мужчины Испания. Женщины США. Бонита Спрингс. Женщины Тунис. Мужчины Тунис. Женщины Турция. Мужчины Турция. Женщины Франция. Женщины Чехия. Мужчины Эквадор. Женщины Хоккей Сборные Чемпионат мира. Высший дивизион. Международные Евролига. Мужчины Адриатическая лига. NBL Австрия Мужчины. Суперлига Аргентина Мужчины. TFB Бельгия Мужчины. BLB Бразилия Женщины. LBF Великобритания Мужчины.

BBL Женщины. LPB Германия Мужчины. Бундеслига Греция Мужчины.

GBL Женщины. А1 Этники Доминиканская Республика Мужчины. Супериор дель Дистрито Насьональ Израиль Женщины. Суперлига Исландия Мужчины. Премьер-лига Женщины. D1 лига Испания Мужчины. Лига ACB Мужчины. LEB Мужчины. LEB 2 Мужчины. Серия A Мужчины. Серия A2 Мужчины. Серия B Женщины. Серия A Женщины. Серия A2 Китай Мужчины. Национальные игры до 22 лет Литва Мужчины. LKL Нидерланды Мужчины. DBL Польша Мужчины.

Пролига Женщины. Дивизион 1 Румыния Мужчины. Национальная лига Сальвадор Мужчины. Лига до 23 лет Сенегал Женщины. Дивизион 1 Тунис Мужчины. Про A Турция Мужчины. Суперлига Уганда Мужчины. Национальная лига Женщины. Национальная лига Франция Мужчины. Элитная лига Мужчины.

PRO B Мужчины. Насьональ 1 Чехия Мужчины. NBL 1вин бет 1 club Мужчины. SB лига Швеция Мужчины. Баскетлиган Волейбол Сборные Чемпионат Европы. Квалификация Россия Мужчины. Женщины Италия Мужчины. Серия А2 Женщины. Серия А2 Португалия Мужчины. Баскетлиган Баскетбол 3 x 3 Сборные Серии.

Международные Европейская лига чемпионов. Мужчины Лига Европы. Мужчины Россия Мужчины. Суперлига Женщины.

Суперлига Венгрия Мужчины. NB I Женщины. NB I Германия Мужчины. Бундеслига Мужчины. Премьер-лига Исландия Мужчины. Олис Дейлдин Испания Мужчины. Дивизион де Онор Плата Польша Мужчины. Экстракласа Женщины. Экстракласа Португалия Мужчины. Национальная лига Сербия Мужчины. During registration enter your personal data according to ID card. Otherwise you will not be able to pick-up your participant packet and bib number.

After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email. Online registration for the Moscow Marathon will close 24 August. To register for the Moscow Marathon, you must complete the online application form and pay the registration fee on Running Community website.

Applications from the teams should be sent to the email relay runc. The application and payment must be made by 24 August. Payment must be made by bank transfer to the account of the organizer. Paying organisation must be a resident of Russia. Online registration for the Moscow Marathon wheelchair and handcycle race will close 24 August.

To register, you must confirm your Athlete with Disability AWD status and complete the online application form on Running Community website. During registration enter data according to ID card. Otherwise you will not be able to pick-up participant packet and bib number.

The power of attorney does not entitle the authorized person to participate in the race with your number. The transfer of the number is prohibited by the rules of the competition.

Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race. Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate. Medical Certificate Form. The captain should pick up participant packets bib numbers for the whole team.

The captain are required to show:. Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to race in competition. Start area is located near the Central alley of Бесплатные прогнозы в букмекерской Olympic complex.

Start lines for distances of Please use metro. Arrive to Vorobyovy Gory, Red line 1. Please take into account road closures, possible delays and queues due to the number of participants. Come to the start area early, do not ruin your chances for a good race by being late.

Please note that you will need at least 60 minutes to get from the metro station to the entrance to a starting corrals. All visitors are subject to bag search by police. Changing tents and baggage storage tents for Changing tents and baggage storage tents for 10 km are located at the Luzhniki Stadium.

Please arrive in sportswear so as not to lose time for changing clothes. Do not leave your belongings unattended. Together with your race number you will receive a sticker and a wristband for the baggage storage. Please use only the bag, which you received with your race number.

You will also receive a sticker with a number on it to stick on the bag. Tie a wristband with a number around your wrist. The clothing bag pick up is possible only upon presentation of your wristband with the number.

Do not put any valuable or fragile items in your clothing bags. We recommend that you keep your valuables, such as hotel card and mobile phone with you or with friends or family.

The organisers are not liable for any damage or loss of your items. Toilets in the start-finish area are located on the Central Square, as well as near sector D of Luzhniki Stadium.

Please use the toilets beforehand. The biggest lines to toilets form at least 30 min before the start. A letter of your start corral is indicated on race number.

Look for the corresponding letter signs to get into your corral. Runners are allowed only with the race number.

Runners who are assigned to different corrals but wish to start together may do so by going to the slower corral. Please follow the instructions of the race officials. The race will start in waves.


Your net running time will start to be recorded when you cross the start line. Please follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race.

Please mind your fellow runners when you change lanes, spit, or approach a refreshment stand. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. No wheeled vehicles are allowed to accompany the runners along the course. Anyone who disregards this rule will be disqualifed and removed from the course.

Pacemakers help others to achieve their performance goals. They will be carrying flags indicating the finish times they are pacing for and can also be identified by their t-shirts.

For the full marathon course, refreshment stations begin after 6 km. To be organized most efficiently, refreshment stations are set up along a straight stretch of road and not all stations are immediately adjacent to kilometer markers. Each station will be clearly промокод 1хставка где взять и как использовать. Food stations Food stations provide drinking water and sports drinks in cups, fruits and wet sponges.

They are located approximately at Drinks stations Drinks stations provide drinking water in cups and wet sponges. They are located approximately at 5. Please throw the empty cups to the bins provided or to the side of the road — do not drop them on the road in front of you where they can be hazardous to runners behind you.

Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties — we appreciate you doing so. Please do not remain standing on the finish line, but continue walk slowly to the end of the finish area. After the finish you will recieve drinking water.

The finish area is a long secure area with no public access. First you will receive a medal. Then you will recieve drinking water and foil blanket for full marathon finishers only. Please, move on towards the end of the finish area where you can find massage service and post race meal for full marathon finishers only. Engraving on the medal with your name and result can be done at the finish area.

The cost is rubles. Result timing will be measured with ChronoTrack timing system. The timing букмекерская конторы таджикистана is on your race number. Please put your race number on the chest. Do not bend, crumple or fold it, do not keep the race number next to any magnets, it may damage the chip and lead to the loss of your personal result.

Your net running time will be recorded when you cross the start and finish lines. You must cross the time points en route. During the race, preliminary results will be available on results. Time will be measured at start, 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, Your friends will be able to see what marks you have already run and with what time you finished.

To find this information, you will need to enter your start number.

The final official results list will be available online at results. If your result is inaccurate or the result is missing, send a request to protest runc. Specify your first and last name and race number in the email. Claims are accepted only from participants or from their official representatives due to on September Participants of the full marathon will be grouped in the following male and female age groups:,,, 65 and over.

Ждём вашего решения! Белые Ночи. Не время спать. Белые Ночи в цифрах. Марафон проводится в самом сердце красивейшего города мира. Рекорд трассы Установлен Николаем Керимовым в году. Еще фото. Софья Наконечная. Эта трасса создана для любви и бега! Старт с дворцовой площади, разминка возле Эрмитажа, далее мосты, набережные, архитектура просто сводят с ума. Первые 21,1 км пробежала лучше, чем все половинки до .

Популярные бренды в сети магазинов «Марафон»

Погода благоприятствовала, лёгкий ветерок, довольно ровная дорога. С 32 км по 38 км я промолчу. А с 39 км открывался вид на парад кораблей по Неве и разведённые мосты. Это просто пушка!

Финиш на Дворцовую, это же мечта. Фото sofimaniya. Максим Антипов. Мой первый марафон подарил массу эмоций! На подготовку ушёл год тренировок, отнимающих много времени. Стоило ли это того?

Ещё как стоило! Друзья, спасибо за поддержку!!!

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